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Find out what your week will look like with Horoscope Monday!
Aries – As you get ready for your season, Aries, take a good look at your health and habits. This is an ideal time to make healthcare appointments and make an effort with your healthy habits. Take care of your body by being extra careful.
Lucky Day – Thursday
Taurus – Balance “me” time with “we” time by grabbing coffee or lunch with friends while still having the rest of the day to yourself. Try not to get wrapped up in other people’s drama while you’re out. Thoughts could feel more intense as your passion boils over. Take a step back and focus on your feelings in private.
Lucky Day – Friday
Gemini – You have some lofty dreams you want to reach, Gemini, but Rome wasn’t built in a day. Start slowly! The nest you’ve built over the last few months could seem a bit messy. While nothing is perfect, don’t pick your loved ones apart just because you have a better vision in your head.
Lucky Day – Monday
Cancer – Keep an open mind and stay humble. You might discover that you’re wrong about something you’ve always been sure of. Do some soul-searching and listen to others so you can develop and grow, Cancer.
Lucky Day – Wednesday
Leo – While it’s tempting to hold on to your money or spend it shopping, it’s important to invest in your future. If people keep coming to you for loans or financial help, it’s okay to say no, especially if you feel they’re taking advantage of you.
Lucky Day – Friday
Virgo – You could be fixated on what’s “wrong” with you and what needs to be “fixed.” Take a deep breath and try to see the big picture, Virgo. Remember how far you’ve come and celebrate your successes.
Lucky Day – Monday
Libra – It’s easy to be lazy this week, so be firm with your habits so you can stick to them. Focus on taking better care of yourself without overindulging.
Lucky Day – Wednesday
Scorpio – You want to save the world, but try not to burn yourself out in the process. This eclipse can bring out your insecurities and make you feel like nothing is enough, especially after a sudden windfall. Remember to be grateful for all that you have.
Lucky Day – Saturday
Sagittarius – What are you going to do next, Sagittarius? Now that you’ve reached the peak, it might not be what you thought it was. Try to give yourself a pat on the back. Miscommunications, delays, and blocks can prevent you from putting yourself out there. Seek new inspiration and reconnect with your inner child.
Lucky Day – Tuesday
Capricorn – Family could easily shake up your life and peace of mind. There’s a strong possibility of putting out the domestic fires your family starts. While you can make plenty of excuses to not do something, it’s important to put yourself out there in order to grow. You miss all the shots you don’t even try.
Lucky Day – Friday
Aquarius – This is a good week to say goodbye to things (and people) that are no longer working out and focus on nourishing your legacy. Don’t focus on perfection, Aquarius, because it could leave you longing.
Lucky Day – Friday
Pisces – Pump the brakes and ask yourself if the purchase is really worth it. Remember that you value more than just material goods. You’ll need that security for a rainy day. Good luck!
Lucky Day – Wednesday
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