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Horoscope Monday – 9/30

By Kori Sep 30, 2024 | 8:21 AM

eva058929@gmail.com / Depositphotos.com

Find out what this week will look like!


Aries – Aries, love of all kinds – the love of friends, the affection of family members, romantic love – flourishes in the home this week as you hear from a great deal of people, perhaps unexpectedly. One of these people could bring some wonderful news about money.

Lucky Day – Tuesday


Taurus – You might run into a few old friends you haven’t seen in a long time and enjoy catching up. A former romantic partner could also get in contact. Are you still interested? If so, pursue it. It might work this time! If you’re no longer interested, perhaps you could now be friends. Think about it!

Lucky Day – Thursday


Gemini – If you’ve asked your employer for a raise recently, Gemini, the astral energy indicates that you can expect to receive one soon. Your employer is greatly impressed with your efforts, and probably thinking that you might be setting your sights elsewhere. Opportunities may certainly appear.

Lucky Day – Friday


Cancer – Have faith that whatever you say has the power to come true, especially when you enlist the help of those around you. Opportunity lies in joining hands with others.

Lucky Day – Thursday


Leo – Don’t sit and wait for everyone else to go first, Leo. If you know it’s your turn, be bold and make your move. It wouldn’t be a bad idea to signal others that you’re going ahead. People might not be used to you taking such an aggressive role.

Lucky Day – Saturday


Virgo – People would be foolish to challenge your thinking now, Virgo. The power behind your words is volatile, and you may find yourself going to extremes in order to get your point across. Be careful about making promises you can’t fulfill.

Lucky Day – Thursday


Libra – Look for more adventurous ways to express yourself. Break out of the old mold and try something new. Once you start in a bran- new direction, there will be a great deal of support encouraging you to continue along that way.

Lucky Day – Monday


Scorpio – One quick phone call to a friend may turn into a long discussion about the meaning of life, Scorpio. Be conscious of the fact that there’s a great deal of momentum building in your mind now.

Lucky Day – Saturday


Sagittarius – There is hesitation on your part that indicates you should take it slowly and learn more of the facts before you jump into the fray. Position yourself in such a way that you take control of the situation rather than become a victim of it.

Lucky Day – Monday


Capricorn – There is hesitation on your part that indicates you should take it slowly and learn more of the facts before you jump into the fray. Position yourself in such a way that you take control of the situation rather than become a victim of it.

Lucky Day – Friday


Aquarius –Add spark to your life, Aquarius. It could be that things are getting stale and boring. If so, consider the possibility that you simply aren’t challenging yourself enough. Remember that you’re responsible for lighting your own fire

Lucky Day – Saturday


Pisces – There’s a distinct advantage to listening to the whole spiel before you react with your own facts and emotions. The problem is that you’re going to be tempted to argue instead of calmly resolve the matter.

Lucky Day – Monday

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