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Horoscope Monday – 8/26

By Kori Aug 26, 2024 | 8:11 AM

eva058929@gmail.com / Depositphotos.com

Find out what this week will look like with Horoscope Monday

Aries – Things will happen unexpectedly, and it may take you some time to adjust to this sudden financial windfall. This is a day of big changes, because you may also decide to use this money to completely alter your way of life.

Lucky Day – Tuesday


Taurus – You can’t improve much if writing time is interrupted by other obligations. Take some time to produce something of value. Why not give it a try, even if just for a week or so, to see what you can do?

Lucky Day – Wednesday


Gemini – Tact isn’t necessarily your strong suit, Gemini. No one would accuse you of being overly sensitive to other people’s emotions, but today you turn over a new leaf. This “new and improved” you tunes in to the thoughts and feelings of others and responds in thoughtful, caring ways.

Lucky Day – Friday


Cancer – Your wanderlust is back and you’re bound for the wild blue yonder yet again, most likely to someplace exotic. Enjoy the time away, but do come back. It seems that sometimes your spirit of adventure dampens your enjoyment of the more mundane but more real daily life.

Lucky Day – Tuesday


Leo – Positive change rarely happens without effort. Keep this in mind as transformation occurs quickly. You may feel as though you’re in the middle of a whirlpool and getting sucked deeper and deeper, unsure of where you’ll ultimately end up.

Lucky Day – Monday


Virgo – You have natural leadership abilities, and today would be an ideal day to make use of this talent. In the past you may have hesitated to step forward and implement your ideas. But recent successes have given you the necessary confidence to pursue your objectives. You’ll likely find that the higher-ups support your efforts.

Lucky Day – Wednesday


Libra – This would be favorable time to begin a new project or creative endeavor. You can’t help but succeed but take care not to get in your own way. Sometimes you can be your own worst enemy.

Lucky Day – Friday


Scorpio – Friendship could turn into romance if you aren’t careful, Scorpio. A platonic relationship could turn passionate, and no one would be more surprised than you. Think carefully about where you’d like this to go.

Lucky Day – Saturday


Sagittarius – Anything you set your mind and attention to works out beautifully. Take care that you don’t gloat too much, though. Just because you feel invincible doesn’t necessarily mean that you are.

Lucky Day – Monday


Capricorn – People often see you as shy and reserved, Capricorn, but of course you know that you’re really very friendly once you relax. Today you find it unusually easy to interact with others. In fact, you feel downright gregarious as you chat and joke along with the best of them.

Lucky Day – Monday


Aquarius – All things domestic are highlighted, Aquarius. It could be that you’ve finally called the plumber or set out to do those household repairs yourself. New people are likely to come into your life. Lucky Day – Thursday


Pisces –  It’s likely that you’ll encounter someone who imparts valuable information. You may not realize right away just how important this information is, but it could have a dramatic impact on your life. Be prepared for anything.

Lucky Day – Friday


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