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Horoscope Monday – 8/19

By Kori Aug 19, 2024 | 8:44 AM

eva058929@gmail.com / Depositphotos.com

Happy Monday, it’s Horoscope Monday. Find out what this week will look like!

Aries – You’ll feel a surge in energy that greatly increases your creativity and physical strength. Seize the opportunity to be outside for sports or a walk. Such things will direct your energy and give your mind a chance to clear.

Lucky Day – Tuesday


Taurus – If there’s something interesting that you’ve wanted to try, this is a great weeK for it. Adventure brings excitement, creative flow, and energy, which are essential to you. You’re highly artistic. Continual stimulation is required to keep your you healthy.

Lucky Day – Monday


Gemini – Tackle desk drawers, closets, storage rooms, or filing cabinets. When you create order, you gain a sense of peace and personal control. Mental organization, such as goal planning, brainstorming, or scheduling, will add to this, too. Do what you can to clean out as many mental and physical corners as possible.

Lucky Day – Monday


Cancer – Given your more radical approach, you may need to keep in check. Humanitarianism is part of your being, so if the pursuit of something you want hurts others, it would be a serious contradiction.

Lucky Day – Friday


Leo – Falling flat on your face can damage your self-esteem and confidence, but such things are part of life, and they really do add character. By going back into the ring, you ensure that you build courage and perseverance

Lucky Day – Wednesday


Virgo – Your ability to find innovative approaches to things may serve you well this week. Strong energy and mental acuity continue today, and you’ll find that most things come easily. When approaching projects, take extra time to consider possibilities.

Lucky Day – Tuesday


Libra – Things will go smoothly. Make the most of this energy by not putting off anything. The pile will just grow if you procrastinate. Do what needs to be done and you’ll feel great.

Lucky Day – Wednesday


Scorpio – The cosmic energy indicates that if you didn’t get everything done that you wanted to yesterday, you’re sure to do it today. Dig in your heels and go. Things will get done with time to spare. If you’re into a creative hobby, work on that, too. You’ll find it rewarding.

Lucky Day – Friday


Sagittarius – Expect an added boost of physical energy this week. It’s an excellent day to clean out closets. Exercise like yoga or walking will be most enjoyable. It could also prove to be well worth your while to look at your goals.

Lucky Day – Thursday


Capricorn – The energy indicates that things will go well for you once you get started. It’s a good time to meet with others to discuss business or other arrangements. Your increased communication and cooperative skills will make decisions easier than usual.

Lucky Day – Saturday


Aquarius – A powerful energy that increases your mental acuity and physical strength can really help you finish anything that’s pending. If you managed to accomplish so much already that you have time to spare, it’s fine to help others with their load. Be sure to put yours first, though.

Lucky Day – Monday


Pisces – There’s an increase in your physical and mental strength. Dispose of any insecurity or lack of confidence and take the steps to tackle a project or goal. You have an innate ability to make sound judgments and this is what you need to trust. Take steps to get what you want.

Lucky Day – Monday

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