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Matt Healy and the 1975 Being Sued

By Kori Jul 31, 2024 | 5:41 AM

Matt Healy and the 1975’s are being sued by Future Sound Asia, the Malaysian festival organizer’s behind the Good Vibes Festival. The organizer are suing for $2.4 million, following Healy criticizing the country’s anti-LGBTQ+ laws. So here’s what happened, Matt ended up kissing bassist Ross McDonald during the 2023 three-day festival, which led to its cancellation. And that was a big no-no in the contract.

The 1975’s were reportedly paid $350,000 to perform, but only after the band agreed to abide by the rules of the event. The band is being sued for breach of contract as FSA claims the group was made aware of the guidelines and prohibitions around its appearance at the festival. Among those ‘guidelines’ the group was not allowed to kiss each other or members of the audience (which Matt has done both at previous shows). Also, there were other violations to their contract but that was the big one.

A rep for the 1975 did not responds to Rolling Stone’s request for a comment.