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Miley Cyrus Says She Inherited This Flaw From Billy Ray Cyrus

By Trav Jun 12, 2024 | 10:53 AM

Jean_Nelson / Depositphotos.com

Miley Cyrus sat down with David Letterman on his latest episode of “My Next Guest Needs No Introduction” on Netflix and shared more about her father, Billy Ray Cyrus, and what flaw they both share.

Miley said to David Letterman when he asked if she thought Billy was a ‘hero’ to her, “I mean, honestly, my mom is my hero.”

She continued, “My dad had a really rough childhood, and my childhood – I mean we can go and talk about the hard times or the struggles…but I had food, I had love, I grew up in a big beautiful house, and my dad didn’t have that.”

She added, “Without my dad I know…who I am as a person wouldn’t exist. Because my dad, as a creative like me, as an artist like me, and the way his brain works has always made me feel safer in my own mind.”

Miley continued, “I also inherited narcissism from my father. I don’t know anything about my own siblings except the part I was doing…I was moving to L.A. and that’s all I really knew.”

Catch the new episode of “My Next Guest Needs No Introduction” on Netflix streaming today, June 12th.