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Katy Perry Yells Out In Frustration On American Idol Contestant

By Kim Carr Feb 27, 2023 | 9:47 AM

We are in season 21 of American Idol. Currently, the judges: Luke Bryan, Lionel Richie, and Katy Perry are going around handing out golden tickets looking for the next idol.

Last night Katy Perry yelled out in rage, but it wasn’t due to the singer. It was due to the story he shared with the judges as to why he was looking to be the next American Idol.

Trey Louis is 21 and from Santa Fe, Texas. During his performance of “Stone” from Whiskey Myers, he just poured out everything he was feeling into his performance. All the judges seemed to be impressed and wanted to know his backstory. That is when he opened up about how in 2018 a gunman walked into Art Room 2. The gunman killed 8 students and 2 teachers. He lost friends and said how it’s just been a negative thing since 2018.

That’s when Katy Perry loses it, not directly towards Trey, but has said what many of us have been saying time and time again when we hear of school shootings. Lionel even said, “that this has become a norm, and we have tolerated this for so long, too long.”

Trey also said “It’s important for me to share my story for my hometown. For Parkland, For Columbine, For Las Vegas and so many others. What we go through every day because of what happened is terrible. But there is light, there is positivity, you just have to go chase it.”

What his performance and story below.