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Trends to leave in 2022!

By Kori Jan 3, 2023 | 12:54 PM

Have you said yet, ‘2023 is my year?’ If not, let’s make it your year!  There have been some trends in 2022 that really made a splash on social media, but some just need to stay on social media for 2023!

We all want a happy and healthy 2023 but what can you do to make that happen! Here are some wellness trends to keep in 2022:

Diagnosing Yourself on TikTok – if you think something is wrong, talk with your healthcare professional.

Overdoing Melatonin – It should be used for special occasions, such as, traveling to a different time-zone and need help adjusting.

At-home IV therapy

Massage guns for fitness recovery

These are just a few trends that were made big in 2022, is there any other you would add to the list? You can get more trends to ditch for Time!