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Fun and Easy Halloween Games for Kids

Oct 4, 2022 | 3:08 PM

r reeves / CC

Spooky season is finally here and its time for all the ghouls and goblins to wreak havoc. If you plan on having a Halloween party or keeping it low key this year romper has a few ways to keep the little ones entertained and completely focused on things other than candy and trick-or-treating.

Their solution game to make Halloween festivities fun for the kids. Those games include:

  1. Freaky flashlight ghost hunt
  2. Kreepy karaoke (My favorite)
  3. Brainy eyeball search
  4. Pin the skull on the skeleton (classic adaptation of “Pin the Tail On the Donkey”)
  5. Don’t wake the witch
  6. Toilet paper mummy
  7. Feed the monster
  8. Build the best beast wreath
  9. Tentacle tag
  10. Spooky sac race

What spooky game are you going to try this Halloween?

To learn more about one or all of these amazing Halloween games for the kids head over to romper.com.