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Missouri Fast Food Places Have Sign Roast

Jul 18, 2022 | 11:58 AM

Businesses in a Missouri town are roasting each other in a good old fashioned road sign war.

A McDonald’s in Marshfield, Missouri started the battle by asking, “Hey DQ! Do you wanna have a sign war?” The nearby Dairy Queen jumped right in writing, “We would but we’re 2 busy making ice cream.”

McDonald’s responded, “That’s cute our ice cream makes itself,” to which DQ responded, “You mean it actually works? “Shocker.”  McDonald’s kept it going, writing, “Wow, salty.  Like our world famous fries.”

Some other local business even got in on the game with one local bank posting, ”Ice cream machine broken? We have a loan for that” on their sign.

Randy Bryant, local director of operations at McDonald’s, said, “Marshfield is such a close community, we’re all like family here. Mario on our team had a great idea to get this all started! He said, ‘It’s hot, the world is throwing everyone challenges and negativity,’ so we all found a way to laugh and have fun as a community. And what’s better than an old fashion sign war?”

What two businesses should start a sign war in your town?