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April Fools Pranks Pulled by Major Brands

Apr 20, 2021 | 10:49 AM

Another April Fools’ Day is in the books and some of our favorite brads tried to pull a fast one on us. Some made us take a double take while others didn’t try hard enough.

Popculture.com put together a list of pranks that some of our favorite brands tried to pull on us and here are a few that I saw on social media and loved.

Bud Light Seltzer and the Pizza Variety Pack:

Green Giant Cauliflower Peeps grows!

Lego and their SmartBricks.

boy do we wish this was a real thing!

V by Velveeta Skincare.

I love cheese but even this cheese lover has a line and skincare products is one of those.

Check out the rest of the list put together by Popculture and let me know what your favorite or not so favorite prank was.